Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Bugs in Every Computer

One thing you should know by now is that computers have problems every now and then. Windows users know that one must have antivirus, antispyware, firewalls, a good browser, and some common sense just to keep your computer from being hijacked from some spyware/adware/malware. A new trend in computing is to use an alternative choice for your computer like buying a Mac or running Linux. However these alternatives also come with security vulnerabilities. One anonymous hacker reported a vulnerability in Mac OS that can be exploited through a DMG (disk image) file through Safari. No security updates have been issued by Apple yet, but the recommended course of action is to not use Safari (i.e. use Firefox) to download DMG files or to turn off the offending feature. See the article from Betanews to find out more.

Updates, updates, updates: Be sure to keep your OS and software applications up to date.

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