Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Xbox 360 Elite Review

If you've been tempted to go out an replace or get your own Xbox 360 Elite, you would be wise to first read Ars Technica's review fo the so-called "elite" console.

Here's a summary of what you'll get over the traditional Xbox 360 Premium system (in order of value):

  • 120 GB Hard drive (for storing more Xbox Live Marketplace content)
  • HDMI Output (one cable to support high-definition audio and video)
  • Black (yes, it's black instead of white)
  • Elite price tag (the Elite costs $180 more)
  • Bragging rights

Here's a summary of what they missed:

  • Wireless
  • HD-DVD built-in drive
  • Quieter and cooler console

Link to Xbox 360 Elite Review

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